Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My little helper

My oldest kiddo helping mommy sharpen pencils.

Sea shells from the sea shore...

I went to the beach and brought tons of really neat shells back for the students to choose from. They loved looking at all of the different shapes, colors, textures and discussed why they may be that color, shape etc.. Do you have any ideas?

Creating data...

We collected data on our favorite kind of ice cream! It made us hungry! :)

Spotlighting- learning logs

Using circle maps

Standard form, word form, bar model, etc.. This is how we organize our thoughts! Check it out!

September bulletin board

Text dependent questions

Look who lost a tooth!

Learning Logs!!!

Students daily record observation, connection, and strategies that they learn in class!

We really like when our Pi Phi friends come!

Thanks for reading with us.

Learning Logs!!!

Students daily record observation, connection, and strategies that they learn in class!

Real life problems!

In all subjects we discuss things from a real life perceptive. This week we discussed pop tarts! We created addition, subtraction and even some multiplication problems with these fruity bars! Can you come up with some more real life story problems?

The end of our roots!

As we bring science to a close, we took one last observation and pictures, of course! :)

Math finger game

We play addition and subtraction games with our fingers as the addends or subtrahend. Whoever says the sum or difference first, wins!